“Nobel Turing Challenge — Creating the Engine of Scientific Discovery”
Virtual ICM Seminar with Hiroaki Kitano [Systems Biology Institute, Tokyo / Sony Computer Science Laboratories] will be held on Thu, November 26, 4pm CET.
A new grand challenge for AI: to develop an AI system that can make major scientific discoveries in biomedical sciences and that is worthy of a Nobel Prize. There are a series of human cognitive limitations that prevent us from making accelerated scientific discoveries, particularity in biomedical sciences. As a result, scientific discoveries are left at the level of a cottage industry. AI systems can transform scientific discoveries into highly efficient practices, thereby enabling us to expand knowledge in unprecedented ways. Such systems may outcompute all possible hypotheses and may redefine the nature of scientific intuition, hence the scientific discovery process.
Hiroaki Kitano, PhD is the president of the Systems Biology Institute (SBI); President and CEO of Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.; and a Principal Investigator at Open Biology Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST). Dr Kitano is known for developing AIBO (Artificial Intelligence Robot – a series of robotic dogs designed and manufactured by Sony) and the robotic world cup tournament known as Robocup.
Register Now (free of charge)
Virtual ICM Seminars in Computer and Computational Science are a continuation of the Supercomputing Frontiers Europe conference, which took place virtually in March this year.
Worldwide Open Science online meetings in HPC, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, BigData, IoT, computer and data networks are a place to meet and discuss with such personalities as Stephen Wolfram (Founder & CEO, Wolfram Research), Alan Edelman (MIT), Aneta Afelt (ICM, Espace-DEV, IRD Montpellier France), Simon Mutch (University of Melbourne) or Scott Aaronson (University of Texas at Austin). For the listing of all ICM seminars please check this link with recordings.
So far, over 2,100 people from all over the world have participated in both initiatives. The organizer of meetings with outstanding scientists is the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling – ICM University of Warsaw.